Oh my. Thank you for this mention, Sarah - and hooray for those moments of joyful reconnection with the little things that are actually the Big Things!

>>"Somewhere just after I’d turned the corner toward thirty, some narrowing, cynical editors (and more than one former boss) implied that the wonder and enthusiasm that floated me through my twenties wouldn’t work in this decade."

I actually have a book suggestion for that editor, and for everyone else: "Enchantment" by Katherine May (https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/667813/enchantment-by-katherine-may/), which only came out a few months ago.

Katherine's previous book, "Wintering", was a huge hit here in the UK during the pandemic lockdowns - it's about the power of rest & retreat in tough times. "Enchantment" concerns itself with rediscovering wonder, and it's a total delight and so beautifully and wisely written.

Katherine is also on Substack at https://katherinemay.substack.com/ and I reckon you'll find her work a balm for your soul.

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Thank you, Mike--for reading and weighing in! So generous of you. I love Katherine May's work, but I haven't read Enchantment yet. Maybe now is the perfect time.

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What a surprise this other newsletter. What a joy to read it!

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Thank you for being here Giulia! That you took the time to read it means so much. 🤍

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