May 12, 2022Liked by Sarah Copeland

Goosebumps, tears, all the feelings and emotions reading your words, Sarah. My kids are all so independent now, and yet, this all rings so true... still. Every little moment, I always repeat to myself, is a gift. But glad to be reminded that not all the mama's days are strewn with fresh flowers on the table and a perfect breakfast in bed... real, raw life is so much better than the fantasies we all dream up. xx

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Thank you for reading, Anna--and I'm so grateful for your sharing your words with us back, here. Real raw life, I'm here for it. xx

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May 10, 2022Liked by Sarah Copeland

This strikes so many chords and embodies so much of what I felt this past Mother's Day (especially while sick with the flu and taking care of my child who has the flu as well) and year's past. Thank you for bringing these sentiments to life so honestly and beautifully!

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I'm so sorry you and the kids were sick on mother's day. What a reminder that there are no guarantee'd Hallmark moments and we have to soak in the magic in our own simple ways--every day. Thank you for being here and reading, Dimity.

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This is so real thank you

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